
When I first started writing material for GeekJabber in July 2021, I wasn’t exactly sure how things would turn out. I didn’t know where it would go, or how much of an audience I woild get.

So far, I’ve managed to get a small group of us in Discord, a small following on Twitter, as well as more recently opening a GeekJabber-supported Vintage Computer Museum in Second Life which seems to be getting some traffic. There are now a growing number of game reviews articles and tech tips, with more on the way. I also have a few episodes of GeekJabber Live that we’ve done.

Now that we’ve made it until 2022, I think it’s time to give some thought to how I would like to proceed.

My plans are to continue writing news, reviews and tech tips for the site. I also want to continue the GeekJabber Live Show. These are things I am enjoying and want to continue. There are a few things I plan to do going into 2022 to try and grow things.

  • Learn PHP. While I have enough of an understanding of how WordPress to make things work, I have not done much in the way of coding since Visual Basic 6 was in common usage. Learning PHP might mean I am better positioned to do any future enhancements to the site that may be required.
  • Become a better writer. I don’t consider myself a professional journalist by any stretch of the imagination, though I’m sure there are plenty worse than I am. I want to learn how to write better content for the site. I hope to use this to write more engaging content for the site.
  • Get help with writing. GeekJabber is primarily a one-man writing team. There are only a small number of articles written by someone else. I don’t expect people to slave away for hours at a time, particularly as I am funding this entire site myself, I plan to reach out and try and get help in writing content. Making this a team effort I think will help keep a steady flow of content.
  • I want to try and grow the community both on Twitter and Discord and also listening into the Live show. I’m not expecting a population of millions, but building more of a community I think is important for a site of this type.

So there it is, published here. A summary of what I want to do over the next year. I will be doing what I can myself, but I would also love your help. If you know of anyone that might be interested in what we’re doing, invite them to either follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

We would love to see you as part of the community and to help us grow!

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About Author

Head honcho and tech guy behind the GeekJabber website, I also do my fair share of writing. I am a fan of vintage technology, casual gaming and music.