
The powers at be within the WordPress teems have announced the dates for their next WordCamp in Sydney, Australia.  This is to be held on November 2+3, 2024.

This WordCamp event is in the early stages of planning.  The dates have been confirmed, and they are in the process of organising speakers for the event.

Once this process has been completed and tickets become available, it is my intention to attend this event, though not as a speaker.  If you are in Australia, or can make it to Australia for this event, I would love to see you there!  As a WordPress user, I would love to learn more about the platform that powers this site, and I would love to network more with the people that use it.

If you want to keep track of this event, you can do so here, and if you want to reach out so we can meet there, you can do so through our Discord server.

About Author

Head honcho and tech guy behind the GeekJabber website, I also do my fair share of writing. I am a fan of vintage technology, casual gaming and music.