GeekJabber IRC Server

GeekJabber now has our very own IRC Server! For those who are unfamiliar with it, IRC is one of the first chat networks ever to grace the internet and is still available to this day. Think of it as a slightly lower tech version of Discord.

There is a #GeekJabber channel that you can join, and we also invite you to create your own channels to discuss anything nerdy or retro-computing related and invite your friends along.

To connect to our IRC server, you can use an IRC client such as HexChat. Instructions for setting it up are below.  For MIRC users, it’s also possible to connect, but it’s a little fiddlier so I’ve created specific instructions for you here.

Once you have installed it, launch it and click on “Add” to create a new network called GeekJabber. If you’re using HexChat, it should look like this.

GeekJabber IRC Server Settings

Afterward, you will need to click on “Edit” and add the following settings:

  • Server Name:
  • Tick “Use SSL for all the servers on this network”
  • Tick “Use global user information”

If you’re using HexChat, it should look like this.

GeekJabber IRC Server Settings 2

Once you’re done, select the GeekJabber IRC network and click “Connect” every time you launch HexChat. Upon connecting, you will be asked to choose a channel. Simply type in #GeekJabber to join our channel.

Our IRC server offers standard NickServ and ChanServ services for nick and channel registration, and if you need any help, type “/msg NickServ help” or “/msg ChanServ help” or ask in the main #GeekJabber chat.

We aim to keep the channel active during evenings and weekends Australian time, so feel free to drop by and say hi! We will respond as quickly as possible. Join our #GeekJabber channel on our IRC server and invite your friends to check it out!

Useful IRC Commands

/msg nickserv REGISTER [password]  [email]
Registers your nickname with the server

/msg nickserv IDENTIFY [password]
Once you’ve registered your nickname, use this command to log in each time

/msg nickserv RESETPASS [nickname]  [email]
Use this command to reset your password if you’ve forgotten it. It should then sent an email that contains a confirmation command to copy and paste back into your IRC window. Once done, you should be able to use the following command to set a new password.
/msg nickserv SET PASSWORD [newpassword]

/msg chanserv REGISTER [channel]
Register your own channel on the server

/msg chanserv ACCESS [channel]  ADD  [nicknamr]  100
Adds a person as an operator of your channel

/msg chanserv ACCESS [channel]  DEL  [nickname]
Removes a person as an operator of your channel

/msg chanserv SET SECUREOPT  [channel]  ON
Restricts operator status to those that have been granted access. You’ll probably want to set this as a security measure.