
Netherlands-based developer Eerie Guest Studios have announced that the demo for their game Hello Neighbor 2 will be released September 20 2022, with the full game coming December 6th.

Hello Neighbor 2 is described as a selcf-contained adventure set in the Peterson house. You will need to have your sneaking shoes ready and your thinking cap pulled out from under the bed to work your way through this stealth horror adventure.

Unravelling the towns mysteries will be a tough ask for investigative journalist Quuentin, as he tries to work out how reclusive inventor Theodore Peterson links to the missing children in the town.

The game will be made available for PC via Steam or Epic, as well as the Xbox and PlayStation series of consoles.

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Head honcho and tech guy behind the GeekJabber website, I also do my fair share of writing. I am a fan of vintage technology, casual gaming and music.