
As a game, Trivia Crack has already had 600 million downloads on its mobile and social media editions, with 150 million annual active users. Etermax now expands its offerings by making the game available for Twitch streamers.

Trivia Crack for Twitch allows for streamers to enhance their viewer engagement. This is done via a free Twitch extension which allows the streamer to create their own trivia shows. Followers can register to participate, and those who answer the question correctly in the quickest time will be the winner. Usernames and scores will appear at the end of a game as a ranking.

Curated content will also be offered to further entertain a streamer’s audience by presenting curious facts about topics of interest while waiting for the next question.

This extension adds to the variety of cross-platform entertainment content produced by Etermax based on trivia available on other platforms such as Android and IOS.

About Author

Head honcho and tech guy behind the GeekJabber website, I also do my fair share of writing. I am a fan of vintage technology, casual gaming and music.