Author Tim Kerslake

Head honcho and tech guy behind the GeekJabber website, I also do my fair share of writing. I am a fan of vintage technology, casual gaming and music.

Lemmings Review

I often feel very nostalgic of my experiences with computers in the 80’s and early 90’s. I still remember the specs of the first IBM PC compatible our family had at home in 1992 – a 386SX/16, with a whopping 4 megabytes of RAM, and an absolutely whopping 60 megabytes of hard drive space. It…

Do I Need A VPN?

The term VPN, or Virtual Private Network, has been getting thrown around fairly heavily over the last few years. They’ve been advertised frequently through various media outlets, including as part of paid sponsorships for various YouTube channels. Some of you may be wondering what the point of a VPN actually is and whether they should…

How Much RAM Do I Need In 2021?

There’s an old saying that opinions are like arseholes. Everyone has one and they all stink. We’re definitely wading into that territory here. Everyone has an opinion on how much RAM you need in your computer. Some opinions are more informed than others. Some old wisdom is that more RAM is better. This is generally…

What Storage Should I Get In 2021?

Once upon a time, computer storage was a relatively straight-forward affair. Everything your computer ever needed was stored on an internal hard drive, and you used floppy disks (you know – those things that look kinda like the Save icon) to move data between machines. Things are still relatively straight-forward today, except floppy disks have…

Trivia Crack for Twitch

As a game, Trivia Crack has already had 600 million downloads on its mobile and social media editions, with 150 million annual active users. Etermax now expands its offerings by making the game available for Twitch streamers. Trivia Crack for Twitch allows for streamers to enhance their viewer engagement. This is done via a free…

FPS: First Person Shooter Documentary

FPS: First Person Shooter is an upcoming project that promises to be a definitive documentary of the First Person Shooter genre of games. It promises to remind us of the legends that created this genre, and highlights the legacy of some of the most popular games. More than 35 of the genres most influential creators…

Angry Birds 2 Released on AppGallery

It is widely known that Angry Birds is one of the games that introduced mobile gaming to the masses. Rovio have announced that Angry Birds 2 is now available on AppGallery, meaning it is now available to those using Huawei devices. This is the first Angry Birds game to be available for release on AppGallery.…